Youssef Allam had a vision


Youssef Allam had a vision to revolutionize the paper industry in Egypt. In 1948, he exploited the opportunity to establish a paper trade company; the first of its kind in the region, serving both; Egypt and the Middle East. Youssef Allam was able to lead the paper trade in Egypt in a short period after it has been dominated by foreign traders who sold it to the Egyptian Market at unfair prices.

Youssef Allam had a clear vision on how to provide the alternative and was able to lead paper trade in Egypt and was able to save the industry, thus he was named the “King of Paper” for his great achievements.

By the year 1968, Youssef Allam expanded the business to introduce offset printing presses to the country; becoming the representative of Heidelberg, the leading printing solution provider in Germany.

With the rise of digital printing, the group started integrating digital and offset printing in order to modernize the printing presses in Egypt, while capitalizing on their existing systems. Over the years, Youssef Allam Group expanded to provide everything any print house could possibly need, along with serving other industries as well. The group is now successfully operating in 6 lines of businesses, namely Paper, Integrated Printing Solutions, Digital Printing Solutions, Media Storage, Resins & Machinery, and Medical Solutions.


In 1948, my father-Youssef Allam- started the Youssef Allam paper company with the goal ofdelivering the highest quality paper while building and maintaining great andlasting relationships with his customers.


More than 65 years later, his guiding principles still hold true. In return, Youssef Allam grouphas become one of the leading distributors of a wide range of products and services in the MENA region.


Over the years,our commitment to superior customer service and becoming a solution-basedcompany meant establishing new business lines and adding new products and services. Our business lines include Integrated Printing Solutions, Digital Printing Solutions, Media Storage, Resin and Machinery, Medical Solutions anddefinitely paper.


Youssef AllamGroup has a dedicated and committed services accompanied with technical supportteam that is ready to assist our customers with their daily challenges. Ourengineers and support technicians are highly trained to provide services andsupport for all of our products.


Today, despite theeconomic challenges on the local and global scale, we are still responding toour customer’s unique and challenging needs. We are striving to continuallydevelop our capabilities internally and externally by streamlining ourbusinesses, developing the next generation of leaders and growing our human capabilities.We aredeveloping and expanding into multiple market segments with the goal ofoffering the best products and superior services to help our customers succeed.For example Youssef Allam Group added a call center to our Customer Servicedepartment in order to provide information, close repeat sales and help serveour customers in a timely manner.


As we look forwardto coming years, we are well-positioned to continue executing our growthagenda, which includes geographic expansion, product innovation and strategicinvestments. Youssef Allam Group expanded its services to numerous sectors suchas Banking, multinationals, advertising agencies, in-plants, training centersand the small and medium enterprises when it comes to machining, paper andequipment among others.


Finally, I would like to thank our customers and suppliers who gave usthe opportunity to be part of their success; and last but not least, ourdedicated team for their effort in turning this into reality.

Sincerely yours,
Adel Allam



We are dedicated to provide products and services of unrivaled quality for our customers, offering superior value, and sharing our success with our employees and business partners.


We aim to make superior Customer Service as the corner stone of our business. Our goal is to answer all our customer needs by providing optimum solutions and helping them achieve their business objectives.


At Youssef Allam Group, we strive to resolve all problems efficiently to prevent the damage caused by machine downtime. We assign the right caliber with the proper inventory to offer the exact needed support. Our outstanding track record in the market demonstrates our ability and dedication to serve your business needs.

Continuous Education

We provide regular trainings to our technical support team considering the latest technological trends, empowering them to serve clients with high efficiency and effectiveness. We also share with our clients the latest technical publications, organize technical seminars by experts, as well as keeping them posted with the important events in the industry, both regionally and globally.

Customer Focus

Putting you first, we shifted from being a product-oriented organization to become a customer oriented. We enhanced all our internal processes to provide a high quality, quick, and cost-effective services. By adopting the Account Management model, we made it easier for clients to deal with us through one interface; helping them to prosper.

+20 105 053 0033